Hi everyone,
As you can see below there is a chance for people to undertake Interim Moderator Training. There is always a need for IM training and people can also do the training to gain an appreciation of what the IM does. We would like to have a bank of people who can stand in and cover short term as well as long term needs for IM.
Is this something you could do? You need to have the backing of your KS. A simple email from the Session Clerk will cover that. Please email myself and Victoria so we know who has done the training.
This is a real need, please think about it! At this point in time we need 4 Interim Moderators still to be found.
God Bless
To all Presbytery Clerks, and those who have already indicated an interest in Interim Moderator Training
The next Interim Moderator training session is going to be held online on Saturday 15 June from 10am-12.30pm. The Principal Clerk and I will be leading this together and we have adjusted the material slightly to take account of feedback from previous sessions, so it will cover some more general aspects of being an IM (as well as vacancy processes) and include a section on moderating Kirk Session meetings.
As before, the training sessions are open to deacons and elders who are willing to be appointed by Presbytery as IMs, and the Presbytery must be happy for them to attend the training. It is also open to any ministers who’d like training or simply a refresher. IMs have to be members of Presbytery, so if not already members of Presbytery they must be eligible to become members and Presbytery would need to be able to admit them to membership at least for the duration of their appointment as IMs.
Please can you let me have the names/email addresses of those from your Presbytery you would like to attend the training on 15 June. The training will be held online and the link will be sent out to participants beforehand along with a handout. In previous sessions, one of the Presbyteries has kindly set up the training with a Zoom link, so if anyone is willing to do that, that would be great – I only have Teams but I think many people prefer Zoom as being easier to use.
If you have any questions just let me know.
With best wishes,
Rev Victoria Linford | Presbytery Resource Adviser | Office of the General Assembly | The Church of Scotland
121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN | Switchboard Tel: 0131 225 5722 | Email: VLinford@churchofscotland.org.uk