Dear Friends
I’m just back from a glorious weekend away at Kilmalieu retreat centre on the banks of loch Linnhe.
We were thinking together about faith in outdoor contexts -on hilltops, by rivers, in the woods…
I had the privilege of leading a night time communion on the beach as the waves gently lapped on to the shore.
Kilmalieu is a brilliant place to reflect on these things with dramatic nature all around. On the Saturday we trekked along the ridge of hills behind the centre. As you can imagine there was plenty of water in evidence and a couple of times we were faced with a river of water ahead of us and no obvious way to cross. At such times we began to look to see what small steps we could take that could help us get over to the other side. Stepping stones were identified and additional stones put in place. Taking these small steps allowed us to traverse what had seemed liked an insurmountable object.
We got word recently as a Presbytery that we had been successful in our application to Seeds For Growth for a second year of funding of our Intern Scheme. This scheme allows 10 small mission projects to be explored. Small but significant steps can be taken. The Presbytery holds the money and local churches get in touch when they’ve identified a possible person and a project. Last year our projects included setting up social media, in developing youth work and in running holiday clubs in places where there hadn’t been before. Small steps, but in every case the intern felt affirmed through their engagement with the church and in some cases this has gone on to further develop mission in that area. If you have an idea of a scheme and someone who is a young person or between things do get in touch and we can explore as to whether for you this could be a stepping stone. We will hear one of the stories from the projects at the Presbytery Conference and I will be sharing others in the weekly news.
Messy Church Folder of Resources
With the Presbytery Website coming we now have our own folder for Messy church resources.
Here below is the link to view (only) the Messy Church Google Drive folder. We’d like to build this collection so if you have more resources please send them to ckirk@churchofscotland.org.uk and, if appropriate, let Caroline know how you'd like them displayed on the website.
Growing Young > NEW cohort in 2025
A number of churches have expressed an interest to be part of the next new learning community of churches across the Presbytery. If your church is looking for accompaniment in mission and help in changing culture as you face the future Growing Young can provide a great framework and support for your church.
Happy to come to your kirk session to explain more. Get in touch if you are interested.
It was originally intended that we go for a start in January but this may now be pushed back to later in 2025.
‘From Lament to Hope’ Presbytery Conference October 25th
930-330pm at St.Andrew, Blackadder, North Berwick. All welcome!
Delighted that we will have Prof. Tom Greggs speaking and Phil Mellstrom on site to teach us new songs from the new supplementary songbook. Please contact Phil if you are interested in been involved in music and worship that day pmellstrom@churchofscotland.org.uk
We will also be hearing stories and of future plans. To confirm your place contact fiona@glenholm.co.uk
Please advertise locally. See the attached poster.
Looking for an Advent mission and worship resource? > Glimpses of Glory
Robin Hill has once again produced a stimulating resource for churches to help people consider the Chrustmas story afresh in our contested and colourful world of 2024.
Glimpses of Glory document:
Accompanying PowerPoint slides:
Time for retreat and contemplation
Presbytery Pastoral Day
At Innerleithen church on Nov 13th
10:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.: Gathering and Fellowship
10:30 a.m. – 10:35 a.m.: Setting the Scene
10:35 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.: Listening Circles, facilitated by chaplains in small groups
11:50 a.m. – 12:20 p. m.: Time for Meditation
12:25 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.: Closing Worship with silent communion, led by Margaret Stein.
Anyone who wishes is invited to stay and have lunch locally after the final session.
We are delighted that Margaret Stein is making available a number of paintings that she has done, inspired by her own meditations. Participants will be invited to use those paintings an aid to exploring their own feelings as they spend time in prayer.
Please contact Leslie Milton to confirm your place. amilton@churchofscotland.org.uk
In the Presbytery prayer calendar we are praying for Loanhead & Bilston.
Week beginning Sunday October 13th
We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.
Pray for the Housegroups starting a Bible Society series on Romans and the Friday evening youth group, with a new faith based course starting for interested youngsters.
Look forward to catching up with you soon.
Sending love & prayers for all that you are doing.
If I can assist a kirk session think about mission in the future or anything else do get in touch.
Other events coming up…
CrossReach Sunday -November 3rd 2024
This year it will take place on November the 3rd and we will be sending out information to Churches within your Presbytery in the hope that we can help share the work of CrossReach, in order to seek prayerful support. We are also hoping it’s an opportunity to share news of job opportunities within the organisation.
I wanted to share the resources with you so you can see what is going out and support/share as you feel appropriate. https://flipbooks.crossreach.org.uk/SupporterResources24
Chalmers Lecture Series 2024 -Hope in Today’s world
From October 15th…
“I would be most grateful if you could promote the Chalmers Lectures series through your comms channels. This season’s lecturers are Professor John Swinton and Dr Katie Cross – the theme is Hope in today’s world. Both theologians are looking at this subject from very different perspectives – each will give 3 online lectures with Q&As and then at Aberdeen University they will come together in dialogue at a hybrid event facilitated by Rev Professor Alison Jack.
Full details of when, where and how to register for free for these lectures along with publicity material can be found here: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/chalmerslectures2024
The Church of Scotland Education and Schools Group
Nov 6th online Schools Ministry Training Conference
The conference is aimed at chaplains and anyone interested in how churches can work with schools. It will provide an update on current issues within schools and look at a range of support and available resources. There will be a particular focus on supporting resilience and mental health and wellbeing for pupils and staff, with contributions from a range of practitioners alongside practical suggestions and opportunities for discussion and reflection.
The day will include plenty of interactivity and opportunities to reflect and pray in smaller groups. Contributors include Fischy Music, Jay Thomas (Scripture Union, Serve Your Local School), Sue Thomson (Scottish Bible Society), Lorraine Webb (Children’s and Youth Work Programme Officer, United Reformed Church), Steve Younger (national chaplaincy specialist), and a panel of current headteachers and chaplains.
Book your place via https://forms.office.com/e/tsnWhxpyha or contact education@churchofscotland.org.uk for more information.
LIFT (Young People 18+)
As you may recall at the General Assembly the Church of Scotland Guild launched LIFT (Love in Fellowship and Trust). This is a group for young people aged 18+ that meets on the first Friday of the month online to encourage and support young adults within the church and enable then to grow their faith together and express that faith through worship prayer and action.
They have a series of meetings planned this year as follows:
Friday 1st November Bibles for Bairns lead by Jen Robertson from the Scottish Bible Society. This is one of the new Guild Projects and is an exciting and innovative project that supports new families to engage with the bible through reading to their children.
Friday 6th December An Advent reflection led by Val Brown of Christian Aid. Val will help us use the Advent season effectively as we prepare for the birth of Jesus.
The General Assembly agreed that the church should support this group and to that end we would be grateful if you could circulate the link below to young people you might be in contact with and encourage them to sign up. Once they are signed up they will receive links to the ZOOM meetings going forward.
We are also hoping to have an in-person event in March and we will be in touch about that in due course.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions but I thank you in advance for your help with this.
Karen Gillon
CAFL Advert
Whitchester Christian Centre Retreat Info.
Rev. Peter J. Wood
Mission Officer for Lothian & Borders Presbytery