Dear Friends
Last week a number of us gathered online to pray for peace in the Middle East. We were delighted that Rev. Rola Sleiman was able to join us live from Tripoli in the North of Lebanon. Rola is the first ordained Presbyterian minister in that country.
To listen directly to her talking about events that were unfolding as she spoke -the huge number of people displaced from their homes, the bombing close by and the challenge of day to today living -was remarkable and a privilege. Hearing of these issues of life and death was sobering and a powerful backdrop to our own lives and what it means to truly live by faith.
Please see the document attached for regular news from Mission Partners and others and watch out for other such opportunities.
Lebanon latest & links attached
“Great hospitality, stimulating speakers and good company.”
The Presbytery Mission conference which was held a couple of weeks ago at St.Andrew Blackadder, North Berwick was very well received by those attending. Professor Tom Greggs reminded us of the inherent power of the gospel in the morning and Phill Mellstrom took that knowledge from our heads into our hearts in the afternoon as we learnt new songs from ‘God Welcomes All’.
Congratulations to Rev. Rosie Frew who has been chosen to be the Moderator of the Church of Scotland for 2025-26. This comes after Rosie has served the church in a variety of different ways over many years. We hope and pray that this will be a special year as a church we seek God’s leading and guiding into the future.
This week’s wee video is of one our Interns, Greg Robertson, talking about his experience of carrying out a community audit. New Housing was being built in Newtown St. Boswells and Sheila Moir the minister wanted to know how to engage with the new residents. Through discussion it was agreed that a listening project be carried out for a number of months. Here in this clip Greg talks about the practicalities of what that involved for them.
Listening to your community is often the best way to engage in mission. Get in touch if you want to think about doing something similar in your parish area.
Diaspora churches in Scotland welcome around 22,000 people to worship each week. This is a larger number than attend the Scottish Episcopal church.
Since 2000, a new congregation has been planted every 8 weeks.
Brendan Research has been finding out about diaspora churches across Scotland. They’ve been in touch with over 200 congregations to hear the stories of their mission in Scotland. While traditional churches may have seen numbers fall, diaspora congregations are springing up in many towns and cities. Read this report just published.
See attached
Retreat Morning
Thanks to those who have said that they are able to come to the Retreat morning in Innerleithen Parish Church from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday 13th November. This is a time for those in recognised ministries in Presbytery to e in conversation with others about their ministry, to worship and to pray. The morning will be facilitated by Presbytery chaplains. There’s still time to sign up, and if you would like to attend please inform the convenor of the Resourcing Ministry committee, Leslie Milton, at
Robin and Katie Hill have produced new resources for Advent.
Check the link for more details and please go ahead and use them. They are made for you!
Presbytery Prayer Calendar
From November 3rd Musselburgh North Esk
We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.
Give thanks with us for new members and new regular attenders and for our Guild & their service. Please pray for our new Stay and Play group (for preschoolers) and for the community groups that use our premises.
Week beginning November 10th Musselburgh St. Andrews High
We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.
We give thanks for our Growing Young team as we have initiated Café church and Play Church. We continue to pray for the Lords guidance on future plans.
Wishing you God’s strength, grace and peace as you are involved with services of remembrance in the next few days.
Love & prayers
If you want to reach your neighbours, you must be intentional, says Sammy Jordan
In 2020, in the middle of a lockdown, my family and I moved to a new housing estate. It was a time when making new connections felt almost impossible, let alone inviting our new neighbours to church, but God had other plans.
This year, four of my neighbours have come to faith, and believe it or not, a hot tub in our community centre played a role in it! We also host a monthly café church that draws over 50 neighbours - many with no church background.
One of the most important things I’ve learned about effective evangelism is that it requires intentionality.
Prisoners Week 17-23rd November
Job Vacancy: Communications Officer at The Guild
Advent Quiet Morning
The Lantern Group invite you to a morning of quiet reflection
Saturday Nov 30th at Coldingham Priory
Sat Dec 7th online
See attached
Join in celebrating Safeguarding Sunday on November 17th, 2024. Unite with churches across the country to champion a culture of safety and care within our congregations. The Church of Scotland Safeguarding Service invites all to learn about best practices in preventing harm and ensuring support for those affected. Together, let's reinforce the integral role of safeguarding in our mission and create safe spaces for everyone.
Faith in Older People and Generations Working Together
Conference 13th November 2-4pm with
Bringing the generations together
The term intergenerational is often used but perhaps we are not aware of what it means or the benefits it can bring in the way we work, volunteer or hold discussions.
Faith in Older People is delighted to be collaborating with Generations Working Together and the authors of an important book ‘Being an Intergenerational Church’, Suzi Farrant and Darren Philip. Our aim is to increase understanding of the potential and to challenge perceptions and where we could go in the future. The afternoon conference will explore our understanding of intergenerational and particularly the vision for intergenerational church and how “intentionality could bring generations together in mutual serving, sharing or learning within core activities”.
Rev. Peter J. Wood
Mission Officer for Lothian & Borders Presbytery