From the Mission Officer August 26

Dear Friends


God of love, life and laughter help me

to find my place in your world.

to cherish

where I have come from

And to embrace

the life that is ahead of me.

Knowing that you are with me


 Moving on. This was the prayer we shared with our Primary pupils when I was Chair of Governors at our church school in Cambridgeshire as they moved up to secondary school.

Schools are back and children are in new year groups. Schools are an important part of our communities and contribute significantly to their identity and wellbeing. I wonder how you engage with your local schools and with young people?

There are a range of videos made in the last year by CoS colleagues helping us think about how we relate to school and young people.

We may feel more used to engaging with our Primary schools but what about the secondary school?

In an excellent short article Sarah Brown, Youth worker at Leckie Church in Peebles has given us 5 things that help develop that relationship. See attached

Attached also is a prayer for schools from SU Scotland

 Growing Young * New Cohort starting

Following on from the presentation at the June Presbytery meeting I am now looking for churches to sign up to be part of the new cohort that will start early next year. If it would help I am happy to come and chat with your kirk session about what this involves. See also the videos on the Presbytery Youtube channel to hear how this two year learning community can help change the culture and encourage new growth.

New Ways of being Church

Jon Timms, Director of Rural Ministries for Scotland, and I are offering a 5 session online workshop exploring new ways of being church. The basis for the course will be the material put together by Steve Aisthorpe for the Church of Scotland from the Learn site. This short course is ideal for anyone curious about doing church differently and new Christian communities.

The Course starts 7pm on Thurs Oct 10th and will meet fortnightly.

Places are limited so please get in touch.

New Alpha Youth Resources

You are invited to join friends at Innerleithen on the evening of October 8th to hear from about new Youth resources from Alpha Scotland. There’s a similar Edinburgh based evening on 24th September.

 Starting something new? A morning for those who are pioneering Fri Sept 13th

Rev. Dr Ian Adams is at St Johns KP in Dalkeith Come with a team of folks. Stories of new communities. Ian is a brilliant speaker.

Meet the Author Sept 16th

To conclude our summer book group all are invited to join with us online as we are joined by Neil Glover the author of the book ‘Finding our voice -searching for renewal in the mainline church.’

Monday Sept 16th at 7pm Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID 861 3876 9019 Passcode 705425

See you then. Peter

 Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow!

Saturday 5 October 2024: An inspirational time of worship, prayer and vision at St. Johns Kings Park, Dalkieith
Post General Assembly 2023 we have seen the creation of Seeds for Growth and the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team. We are excited to be visiting your presbytery to discover together new ways we can encourage and support you.
Neil Glover, Convener of the Seeds for Growth Committee, would like the opportunity to share his heart with you and in turn hear your plans to grow and flourish in your local context. Together we hope we can resource you in the next season. He will cover all aspects of applying for funding including our new criteria.
Tommy MacNeil, Convener of the Faith Action Programme Leadership Team, would like to come and spend some time with you, listening to your journeys so far and learning how we can partner with you to realise your vision of the future.
1030–1230 Morning worship and workshops led by Neil Glover and Tommy MacNeil. This FREE session is open to all involved in congregational life.
Catering is not available. Bring a packed lunch or visit a local eatery.
1330–1530 Afternoon of worship, prayer and praise led by Tommy MacNeil and Neil Glover this FREE session is open to all.

To book your attendance please fill in this very short form

 Fabric Conveners please note…

National Churches Trust small grant funding deadline

Karen Hind from National Churches Trust has recently been in touch to highlight that there is unallocated small grant funding available.  The deadline for applications is 30 August 2024.

The grant size is usually £500 to £10,000 towards works up to £20,000.

Karen has indicated that she would welcome applications.  The grant is ideal for regular maintenance activities such as clearing gutters, minor roof repairs, electrical repairs or other maintenance works that are being undertaken on a like for like basis (not requiring listed building consent).  A builder’s quote is sufficient information.  In this instance given the tight deadline, it is not essential for a professional architect/surveyor to be involved.

If any Fabric Conveners have recently received quotations for works that they are planning to undertake, I recommend that an application is submitted.

The Presbytery Building Officers are available to assist with any queries relating to the specification of the works.

All the information can be found on the website Small grants | National Churches Trust

 The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)

are running a free training event at St Matthew's, Perth on Thursday 26 September. It's aimed at anyone who cares for and maintains a church building in Scotland.


Epiphany Prayer Course flyer 

East Linton Music Poster

I hope and pray that you have a good start to the new term!

Love & prayers




Presbytery Prayer Calendar

Week beginning September 1st  

Jedburgh and Oxnam

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community. Please pray for the new union of the churches and for Sarah Cook as she starts as the Probationary minister.


Pray / Read / Think /Act

Tuesday, August 27, 2024:      Ephesians 6:21-24

Wednesday, August 28, 2024: John 15:16-25

Thursday, August 29, 2024:    James 1:1-8

Friday, August 30, 2024:         James 1:9-16

Saturday, August 31, 2024:     John 18:28-32

Rev. Peter J. Wood

Mission Officer for Lothian & Borders Presbytery

Link to Presbytery Facebook Page

Link to Presbytery Youtube channel

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