by Tom Gordon
I've had a new book published, Whispers of Wisdom, details of which are in the attached flier. The flier also gives you information on how to access the book - through the publisher, Wild Goose Publications, at - at a specially reduced launch price.
This is a book offered to people who are bereaved, and those supporting anyone who's experiencing loss and grief. It tells stories of people I've worked with, offers insights from their experiences, and gives hope, reassurance and encouragement to those who are living in the unfamiliar and troubling world of loss. It's got some of my own poetry and reflections in it too.
I'm organising a series of on-line launches, and this one is aimed at my "Thought for the Day" friends.
It's to take place by Zoom on Wednesday 12th May from 7 to 8pm. The Zoom link is as follows:
Tom Gordon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Book Launch - "Whispers of Wisdom" by Tom Gordon
May 12, 2021 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 4913 4555
Passcode: 820833
Dial by your location
+44 131 460 1196 United Kingdom
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I'll introduce you to the book, share some sections from it - including some of the poetry and reflections - and answer any questions you might have.
Please make this information as widely available as possible - including to those to whom you regularly forward the "Thought for the Day".
Thank you, and, if you are able to join me, I look forward to sharing some time with you on Wednesday 12th May at 7pm.
Blessings and good wishes.