Hello everyone,
Yesterday I spent the entire day in 121 so apologies for missing Monday for sending out our weekly email.
It was a very interesting day, considering what happens next in terms of the national church. We all know our congregational attendance is not what it was and we would be foolish to think with a snap of our fingers we could recapture the past. Some of the consequences of where we are now include less people involved as congregational leaders, whether minister, elder or a.n.other. Less finance available because fewer people give less so fewer people carry a greater financial burden for most congregations. A reduced impact in the public square, at one point the church was the center of village/town life but that is much less the case. All in all the place of the church is very different today to what we mostly knew growing up.
The people gathered there recognised our calling was not actually to recapture the church as it was but to discover the church as it is going to be. What does it mean to live for God in today and tomorrows world?
There was a lot of discussion, a lot of contemplation but not a lot of clarity as people grappled with the many issues. No doubt there will be more meetings in the future and no doubt some of the thoughts will come to future General Assemblies for consideration. One of the most interesting things about the day was the variety of people who came from different theological and ecclesiological perspectives. Yet all there wanted to see the Kingdom of God grow in Scotland in the 21st century.
Look around your own church and see the variety of people who gather each week. We are not the same, we are united in Christ. As a Presbytery we reflect this in Standing Order number 1, the rules that govern our Presbytery meetings.
- Presbyters are reminded we are first and foremost a gathering of brothers and sisters under the headship of Jesus Christ and though at times we may disagree, that which holds us together is stronger than anything which may divide us.
Please join me in giving thanks this week that our God appeals to all people, is relevant to all people and all people can find faith in him.
God Bless
Norman Smith
There were no committees meeting in the last two weeks so no agendas to share with you. Actions taken under powers were:
21/10/2024 Presbytery Clerk Transfer Rev Chris Kellock to Presbytery of England from Nov 1st as per his request
22/10/2024 Presbytery Council Agree to the union of Garvald and Morham with Lammemuir Parish to take effect from soonest possible date.
24/10/2024 Presbytery Clerk Appoint Rev Louise Purden and Mr Connor MacFayden as Lothian and Borders reps on Committee to Nominate the Moderator
24/10/2024 Presbytery Council Give permission to G Wilson to run GW Ecology from the manse of their spouse and put a shed for business use in the back garden.
We are asked to remember Musselburgh St Michael’s Inveresk in our prayers:
We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.
Pray that as they work together with the other churches in Musselburgh during this challenging time as together they discern God's will for the future witness and mission in the area.
Article/Items free to a good home
With the dissolution of Musselburgh St Clement’s and St Ninians there are a number of items available free of charge. Please have a look at the attached inventory and if there is anything your church could use, please contact Rev Mike Watson the IM.
There is also a prayer vigil being planned for tonight between 7and 8 pm via Zoom.
Prayer Vigil for Lebanon & the Middle East
With input from Rev Rola, Carol Finlay and others.
Join with us online as we share news and pray for peace as best we can.
Tuesday Oct 29th 7-8pm Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82593934759?pwd=eD4K68M9yENUbFwVs6U7ECM7RHVFO9.1 Meeting ID: 825 9393 4759 Passcode: 9309
Friday Nov 8th 7pm
This event is for church leaders, youth organisations, youth leaders and young people who have a heart for sharing their faith.
Robin and Katie Hill have produced resources for Advent, check the link for more details and please go ahead and use them. They are made for you!
Presbytery Quiet Morning
Innerleithen Parish Church: 13th November from 1000 -1245
Closing worship with silent communion led by Margaret Stein
Anyone who wishes is invited to stay and have lunch locally after the final session.
See the attached Doctors, Dentist Poster for info as per below.
Earlier this month, Richmond’s Hope began operating an East Lothian Hub from the Bleachingfield Centre in Dunbar on a Wednesday and Thursday. They haat ve recruited 2 Bereavement Support Workers, Amie Steel & Nicola Donaghey. They are very excited about setting up this service and beginning work with children and families. It was a privilege and a pleasure to be part of the local group who helped to get this new location up and running, and it is humbling to know that they already have a waiting list of 40 young people from the main hub at Craigmillar that are from this area. It is self-referral and there are no boundaries geographically, so any young person in our Presbytery, particularly East Lothian and Berwickshire can get in touch. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Richmond’s Hope directly if you want further information, visit to a Guild Meeting or other group, or have possible funding streams that could help to fund this invaluable service in the longer term, or speak to Rev Dr Suzie Fletcher 07973960544.
Ministers and others may have received this from 121. Anyone with settled status should read and action accordingly.
Sent on behalf of Rev Angus R Mathieson
Dear friend,
You may already be aware of the Government changes to digitise the UK border and immigration system. All visa holders who live in the UK and use a physical immigration document, such as a Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), to prove their rights are urged to take action now at Get access to your eVisa: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk).
While this is primarily of relevance for those who are provided with a Certificate of Sponsorship by the FAPLT, it also impacts on EU Citizens who have settled status, as well as on those who have Indefinite Leave to Remain. In 2024 people who currently prove their immigration status using a physical document will need to take action to access an eVisa through a UKVI account, to ensure that they can prove their rights without delay or difficulty. Please note that creating a UKVI account will not change, impact or remove customers’ current immigration status or their rights in the UK.
If you are unsure whether or not you already have a UKVI account, you can confirm that through this link.
It is important that if you are impacted by this, either as someone with Indefinite Leave to Remain, or as an EU citizen with Settled Status, that you create a UKVI account and that you keep it up to date with details of your passport and its expiry date.
The Home Office has also confirmed that a targeted advertising campaign will launch in Autumn 2024, building on existing communications activity to raise awareness of the transition to eVisas amongst those affected. Further information can be found at the following link: Gov.UK/eVisa.
Useful links:
More information on what you need to do and by when, including for those who currently hold a physical immigration document, and a full list of grant funded organisations offering support, is available at GOV.UK/eVisa. A full list of organisations, which will be updated over time, can be found at eVisa: community support for vulnerable people - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Further information on eVisas can be found at : Media factsheet: eVisas – Home Office in the media (blog.gov.uk)
There are guidance videos Online immigration status (eVisa): help videos - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
If, after you have accessed the above information, you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to answer these for you.
Kind regards
Ruth Watson | Senior Administrator | Faith Action Programme Staff | The Church of Scotland
121 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4YN | Switchboard Tel: 0131 225 5722 | Direct Tel: 0131 380 3063| Email: rwatson@churchofscotland.org.uk
God Bless you all in your life and witness this week.
Norman Smith
Presbytery Clerk