Presbytery Update October 16

Hello everyone and sorry for the lateness of this update. Having been on holiday last week there was a bit of an email backlog to work through. Again apologies.

How are you all doing?


As a family we went to Crieff Hydro and the place was buzzing with people of every age. It was good to take time to just be and not have to run around from one meeting to another. Given we live in a 24/7 world it is important to find places and times of rest where we can reflect and recharge before getting back into things. Jesus built rest into his routines. What is more he promised his followers rest through faith.


28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11: 28-30

I hope and pray that you find moments of rest in your routine, especially as we begin the long and busy approach to Christmas. Sorry for mentioning the ‘C’ word in October.

Since my last update to you a couple of decisions have been taken under powers. Presbytery Council functions as the Vacancy Procedure Committee for Presbytery and in that capacity sustained the call to Rev Eckhardt Bosh to Prestongrange Parish with 46 votes for and 2 against. He induction is planned for Thursday 14th November in Prestongrange Church at 7pm with Presbytery meeting at 6.45. Everyone is invited to attend; those within 10 miles are expected to attend. Also Rev Stephen Manners who previously served in Jedburgh has agreed to become Locum and Interim Moderator at Roslin Parish but is currently a member of Edinburgh and West Lothian Presbytery. Under powers we have made him a member of Lothian and Borders for the duration of the Locumship.

With sadness, we intimate the death of the Rev James (Jim) Lawson on 26th September 2024.

From 1961 - 63, Jim was Assistant Minister at St Columba's, Pont Street, London  followed by a Ministry post in Parkdale Presbyterian Church in Toronto.  He returned to Pont Street in 1965 and thereafter became a Chaplain to the Armed Services. From 1986 until 1998, he was Minister at Prestonkirk, Stenton & Whittingham Parish Church (Now named - The Parish of Traprain). His final charge was at  the Parish of South Uist. From 1987-91 Jim was Presbytery Convener of the Committee of Social Responsibility and served as Presbytery Moderator for Lothian from 1993 - 94.  A Service of Thanksgiving, to which all friends are warmly invited, will be held at Comrie Parish Church on Friday, 25th October at 11:00am.  Please wear light or bright colours. A Service of Committal will take place thereafter at Comrie Cemetery, cortege arriving 12:10pm. Family flowers only, please.

Attached is an agenda from the Mission Committee who met last week to let you know what they are discussing.

Below are various items for your attention and attached is a document with a lot more things we have been asked to share.


We have received notice of Interim Moderator details, info below. Cast your mind back to the paper recently discussed at Presbytery about the need for IM’s. So far no one has volunteered to be on any of the groups looking for ways forward. This problem is not going away! It would be great if each KS could nominate a couple of people for the training and we could appoint people in teams rather than solo. Aer you willing to go to the training even just to get an appreciation of what is involved? I’m happy to chat to anyone who is considering it.

To all Presbytery Clerks:


I am going to be leading the next Interim Moderator training session on Monday 2 December 2024 from 7pm-9.30pm.


As before, this is the required training for elders and deacons who are willing to be appointed by Presbytery as Interim Moderators, and the Presbytery must be happy for them to attend the training.  It is also open to any ministers who’d like training or simply a refresher.   IMs have to be members of Presbytery, so if not already members of Presbytery they must be eligible and Presbytery would need to be able to admit them to membership at least for the duration of their appointment as IMs.


Please can you let me have the names/email addresses of those from your Presbytery you would like to attend the training on 2 December.    The training will be held online and the link will be sent out to participants beforehand along with a handout.   In previous sessions, one of the Presbyteries has kindly set up the training with a Zoom link, so if anyone is willing to do that, that would be great – I only have Teams but I think many people prefer Zoom as being easier to use.


Also, to give you some advance notice, I’m planning that the first IM training session in the new year will be on Saturday 15 February 2025 from 10am-12.30pm (also online).


If you have any questions just let me know.


With all good wishes,




October 20th Gladsmuir linked with Longniddry

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.

Pray for the two congregations as they proceed with their discussions on union, working as part of the emerging Parish Grouping engaged in vital work alongside the new community in Blindwells. May God grant wisdom and insight.


Given the unfolding tragedy in the middle east a prayer vigil via zoom has been organised. Please remember to share this amongst your congregations. Details below.

Presbytery Prayer Vigil for Lebanon & the Middle East - Tuesday Oct 29th 7-8pm

Join with us online as we share news from partners and friends and pray for peace & justice.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 9393 4759
Passcode: 930978



‘From Lament to Hope’ Presbytery Conference October 25th (See attached poster and please advertise and come along)

930-330pm at St.Andrew, Blackadder, North Berwick.  All welcome!

Delighted that we will have Prof. Tom Greggs speaking and Phil Mellstrom on site to teach us new songs from the new supplementary songbook. Please contact Phil if you are interested in been involved in music and worship that day

We will also be hearing stories and of future plans.

To confirm your place contact

Please advertise locally. See the attached poster.


We are excited to have Tom Greggs as our guest speaker for the day. A preacher in the local Methodist Church in Aberdeen Tom’s research has been in understanding the church and so he is passionate about how this relates to the life and vitality of the church. Outside of work, he likes detective books and TV series and to grow his own veg. He loves the countryside in Aberdeenshire for the peace and space it offers on long walks. He is married to Heather and they have two young daughters—Isabel (3) and Lydia (7 months). Dr. Tom Greggs is Professor of Divinity at the University of Aberdeen.


We are being asked to offer more ministers to act as Supervisors for students, particularly in the Border areas. Attached is a document with more details. Any serving minister of word and sacrament, who has a congregation where a Candidate can carry out a placement, can be trained as a Supervisor. They need to contact 121 via the email address to access the application form.



That’s all folks.

God bless you all in the following days. May you know his presence in all you do.

Please share this email as far and wide as you wish. It is aimed at all who love the Lord across our Presbytery area. If anyone wants added to this email list, just let us know.

Slainte mhor agus a h-uile beannachd duibh
Good health and every good blessing to you!)

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