Presbytery Update November 12

Hello everyone,

No doubt you were all gathered round a war memorial on Sunday as towns and villages commemorated those who gave their lives for our freedom.

Many years ago whilst in Uni, on 17th January 1991, I remember sitting in my rented room listening to the radio; this was the date at which the bombing campaign in the first Gulf War started. It was surreal listening to the bombs falling and reporters talking of Iraqi scud missiles being fired at Riyad. What made it more poignant for me was that my older brother was at that time serving in the Royal Core of Transport and was stationed in Riyad. What had been interesting news on the radio became much more important because our family now had a personal stake in it. He came home safe, for which we were grateful. Having a personal role or stake in something gives us an entirely different perspective.

In terms of our Christians faith we have been given the call by Jesus to be salt and light in the world around us. That means we are not spectators watching the world go by but participants in the call to build God’s kingdom. In other words, we have a stake in what happens to this world and God’s Kingdom in it. Jesus emphasised this in the gospels, Paul reinforced that message multiple times. This is what Paul wrote in Romans Chapter 12 verses 6 – 8:

“We all have gifts. They differ according to the grace God has given to each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it according to the faith you have.  If your gift is serving, then serve. If it is teaching, then teach. Is it encouraging others? Then encourage them. Is it giving to others? Then give freely. Is it being a leader? Then work hard at it. Is it showing mercy? Then do it cheerfully.” Romans 12: 6 – 8

If we truly wish to honour those who participated in creating a better world for us, we need to participate in creating a better world for the generations yet to come. This week, what does that look like for you and your church?

In the last two weeks Congregational Support, Property, and Planning Committees have met and their agendas are enclosed. Presbytery Council and Mission meet this week and their agendas will be included in my next update. Decision taken under powers were:

31/10/2024     Presbytery Council     Concur in the sale of Kelso Old and Sprouston Glebe land

31/10/2024     Presbytery Council     Agree final dissolution date of Musselburgh St Clements and St Ninians as 31st October 2024

01/11/2024     Presbytery Council     Acting as VPC give permission to pursue a call for the Charge of Jedburgh and Oxnam linked with Ale and Teviot United.

05/11/2024     Presbytery Clerk         Appoint Very Rev Colin Sinclair as Interim Moderator for Melrose and Bowden whilst Rev Rosie Frew serves as National Moderator


Presbytery Prayer Diary for November 17th


November 17th  Musselburgh St.Michaels, Inveresk

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.

Pray that as they work together with the other churches in Musselburgh during this challenging time that together they discern God's will for the future witness and mission in the area.


We received the very sad news about the passing of Rev Bill Paterson. Kenny McLean, Session Clerk at Duns and District wrote to their own Kirk Session and gave permission to share the below.


"All were shocked and saddened to hear of Bill Paterson’s passing. He entered ministry in his 40s as assistant at Cadder, and later ministered at Bridge of Weir St Machars Ranfurly; Craigmillar Park in Edinburgh; then finally the linkage of Chirnside, Bonkyl and Edrom from 1993 to his retirement in 2001. Craigmillar Park closed in June: and whose face was to be spotted beaming out amid the history tableau but a debonaire Rev Paterson, resplendent upon the cover of his induction order of service!

Bill was a simultaneously impressive and gentle man; as ready with an anecdote from the building site as of some far flung place. Even at 88 he was still taking services - even politely enquiring if he had not been asked for some time! It is perhaps appropriate his final 2 here were his old churches of Bonkyl and finally Edrom last month - where he had not led for many years. I will always recall a sermon at Cranshaws some years ago, delivered from the high pulpit, yet pure mellow; but wish I had committed better to memory his frequent reminiscences, wisdoms and advice.

Our sympathies extend to Isobel and the wider family. We shall all miss a loving, caring, faithful, faith-full minister and friend.

Kenny McLean"

Remember the induction at Prestongrange Church, Prestonpans this Thursday at 7pm. (6.45pm for Presbytery) There has been a slight change in arrangements in that the place for changing into clerical wear is now in the church because the caterer needs the hall space for the after refreshements.



The following has been received from Safeguarding:

Dear all


I hope you are well. I am getting in touch with you just to highlight that there are still some spaces left on the next two Online Leadership Safeguarding Training courses being run by the Safeguarding Service. If you were able to send these links on to ministers in your area that would be much appreciated. Although it mentions Cleir Eilean I and Lothian and Borders, this can now be booked by any minister or associated role in any presbytery.


Wednesday 20th November (5 spaces left)

Wednesday 4th December (15 spaces left)


I will be back in touch by the end of the year with further online dates from Jan – April which will be open to any presbytery. We will also work with presbyteries to provide face to face training as needed.






I will leave this one with you all to respond if you are chaplain to a Gaelic school.

Dear Presbytery Clerks,

I am writing to you in my capacity as the Chair of the Church’s Gaelic Committee.  One of our responsibilities, in terms of the Church’s current Gaelic Plan, is to reach out to young people in the Gaelic community in the way of creating resources for use at home, in school and in church.  By “Gaelic community” I am referring not only to the traditionally Gaelic-speaking areas of Scotland but to those with an interest in Gaelic, wheresoever they live in Scotland, and particularly, for present purposes, pupils and teachers in Gaelic-medium schools, which are represented in most, if not all of our presbyteries.

At the moment, we are trying to establish what training and resources might be beneficial to ministers providing chaplaincy services to these schools.   The first step is to identify current chaplains so that we can survey them as to their felt needs.   I am not sure whether this is information you happen to hold or how easy it is to get, if you don’t have it, but any assistance you are able to give the committee would be greatly appreciated.  I already have a list from Clèir I (the Iona Presbytery), which is why they don’t appear on this email’s mailing list.

Gach beannachd agus gach dùrachd (With every blessing and good wish),

Roddy John MacLeod

An organization based in East Lothian is looking for premises. If you can help, please contact  Rev Ann Allison directly at



God bless you all this week and remember the induction at Prestongrange on Thursday!!!


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