Hi everyone,
Been back in Scotland for a week and the temperature difference between here and Tenerife was marked. Going from 22 to -2 has been a bit of a shock! I hope as well you all came through Eonwe ok. Our near neighbours lost some roof ridge tiles and slates but otherwise are ok.
Whilst away in the village of San Blas I went for a wander and came across the local Roman Catholic chapel. Trying to understand the various notices in Spanish, I saw the one below in English. The local Anglican church doesn’t have a meeting place of its own, rather it uses the Roman Catholic chapel. The Roman Catholic chapel is generous enough to share their space with their brothers and sisters who do not have space of their own. I’ve often met people who think all the different branches of Christianity are different faiths and enjoy telling them we are actually different branches of the same faith. God is so big, no human being can grasp the entirety of God which has led to different denominations highlighting different aspects of God that they connect with. Another analogy I’ve seen used is that of a football team. We all play different positions within the same team. Paul used the analogy of a body made up of different parts. “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12.
It is good to remember we are one body, we are billions and we are all over this world.
I hope and pray this week that you encounter some of your brothers and sisters and get to share your common faith together.
Attached are agendas from various Presbytery Committees so you can see what your Presbytery is up to. Also attached is a guide from the General Trustees on how to use Consolidated Fabric Money for non-fabric purposes.
Rob Lee of the GT’s said this when he sent it through. “Good Afternoon All, Please see attached a quick guide document detailing the process for applying for the release of Consolidated Fabric Fund capital for non-fabric purposes. I’m sorry that this hasn’t reached you sooner. It got caught up in a wider review relating to guidance covering all areas of the CFF, the product of which will be shared early in the new year. I hope the attached provides the required clarity on this matter however should you have any questions then please do come back to me.”
Peter highlighted last week we are running an Easter Youth Video Competition, details below.
Easter Youth Video Competition > First prize £500
Youth groups from across the Presbytery are invited to make a short video (3-5mins) MP4 which explores the meaning of Easter. It is intended that this video could be played at a café church or another similar mission occasion where there are people who know nothing about Easter. The winning videos will be uploaded to the Presbytery’s Youtube channel.
Those creating, producing & editing the video need to be under the age of 30.
The prize money is given on the condition that it be used for strengthening & promoting the Youth Group. The first prize is £500, second prize is £300 and third prize £200. Three prizes because we want as many entries as possible!
Entries need to be received by Sunday March 23rd. Please send entries to pwood@churchofscotland.org.uk
You will find attached a flyer for the Bridge Pastoral Foundation Residential Event, details below:
I have pleasure in attaching the Brochure and Booking Form for the Bridge Pastoral Foundation Residential Event 2025 to be held in St Mary’s Monastery, Kinnoull, Perth PH2 7BP from Monday 24th – Thursday 27th March 2025 in the hope that this may be advertised within your Presbytery.
BPF was founded as The Clinical Theology Association in the 1960s to assist clergy and members of the Christian church to develop their understanding of human relationships, beginning with their own way of being in the world. This personal, experiential approach remains central to the organisation today within a contemporary ethos of broad and open spirituality. This residential event is open to all who are seeking a learning experience and space for reflection, personal well-being and growth and would be particularly appropriate for those in the churches, caring professions and voluntary work. It will also provide an opportunity to learn about the work of BPF.
While our website is in the process of being updated, further information on the Organisation may be found on http://www.bridgepastoral.org.uk/
Also attached the minutes from yesterdays union service between The Lammermuir Parish and Garvald & Morham.
Remember the Presbytery meeting on Tuesday 4th at 7pm via Zoom. Hope to see you there.
Please feel free to share this with elders, members, anyone and everyone. If you want added to the mailing list or if you have any suggestions for how we might better live out our Christians calling, do not hesitate to get in touch.
God Bless