Presbytery Update December 2

Hello everyone

On Saturday there was a new addition to the Smith household. This is Leo a 16 week old Golden Lab who is full of life. He has joined Pauline, myself, our 3 year old Black Lab Bailey and 9 year old Ginger Tom Darnley. So far he is fitting in well but there have been a few adjustments. Puppy mats have gone down, valuables have gone onto higher shelves. The good cushions have been ‘stored’ for a few months and anything electrical is definitely turned off once used. Most of the adjustment comes from Baily who now has to share his toys and Darnley who is getting used to a new dog in the house. Darnley’s hope is this dog is more trainable as his servant than the last one.

Any time someone new joins there is adjustment, things change. Do you ever wonder what it was like for the early church when its described in Acts chapter 2 verse 47 as “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Every day new people, new stories ,new gifts, new obligations.

I wonder how prepared our churches are for new people? Would we do exactly the same thing as we have been doing or are we prepared for new people to bring about change?

Something to think about.

This week Week beginning December 8th  we are praying for North Berwick: St.Andrew, Blackadder

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community. Please pray that those who come to the Nativity and Carol Services will believe and decide to follow Jesus



Thanks to everyone who emailed in corrections to Presbytery Papers and apologies for getting some things wrong. These will all be corrected in the finalised papers.

In the minute of 22nd September, the union in Hawick, at line 5 it reads Paris instead of Parish.

Under Approval of Minutes

There should also be listed 27th October. You have the minute but it wasn’t listed.

We forgot to send out the actual minute of the last main Presbytery Meeting on 7th September with the rest of them. It is attached to this message. Schoolboy error, sorry.

Under Appendix 1 - Items taken under Powers by Presbytery Council

Concur to issuing Model Deed of Constitution to Ormiston Parish Church should read Unitary Deed.

Under Intimations

The union or Lammemuir with Garvald and Morham will be on 1st Jan 2025 not 31st December 2024

Additional Information

On the report of Planning

When people go into groups these are the 3 questions people will be asked to consider:

  1. Are they reasonable principles?  Anything vital we have missed that should be included?
  2. Any suggestions about how we might assess them?
  3. Any concerns?

Thank you for your continued patience and grace.

See you tomorrow night on Zoom.

God Bless

Norman Smith
Presbytery Clerk

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