Hello everyone,
One of the privileges of ministry is sitting with someone at the end of their life. All airs, graces and pretences are stripped away. Human concerns of what happens next year or even next week are no longer a worry. It is one of the only times and places left where the vulnerability of human life is clear to see. Going through that with a Christian is a very different experience both for the person and the person’s family because we know we shall meet again and we know the person will be in God’s hands; hands that can care for them better than we ever could. It has been my experience that at this point, faith becomes real in ways that is very hard to explain.
This weekend I had the privilege of sitting with someone as they took their last steps on this side of death. By no means had they lived a perfect life. In fact you would probably say this person was one who distinctly did not have their act together. Yet they had Jesus and they were surrounded by a family who also believed in Jesus. That made all the difference.
We do everything we do because the God we worship holds our souls and the souls of our loved ones today, tomorrow and for all eternity.
“Then I looked, and there was a large crowd of people. There were so many people that no one could count them all. They were from every nation, tribe, race of people, and language of the earth. They were standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They all wore white robes and had palm branches in their hands. They shouted loudly, “Victory belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7: 9 – 10
I pray and hope you feel God to be close as you walk your path this week.
Please remember Rev Marion Dodd’s memorial service in Melrose Parish Church on Tuesday 27th August at 1pm. For those who cannot make it in person the funeral will be live streamed and a recording will be available afterwards at: https://www.youtube.com/live/T5pJMNahzWY
Various news items are below. If you would like anything shared with the Presbytery please send it to myself, Peter or Caroline. These emails are intended for wide circulation so feel free to share with your eldership and congregation.
God Bless
Norman Smith
Presbytery Clerk
Week beginning August 25th
Innerleithen, Traquair and Walkerburn
We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.
community. Give thanks for our Thondwe partnership and two visits taking place this Autumn. Pray for the Meet & Eat lunches in Cardrona and for our Warm Wednesday group supporting young families.
Read, Think, Pray Act
Monday, August 19, 2024: Acts 6:1-7
Tuesday, August 20, 2024: Acts 7:9-16
Wednesday, August 21, 2024: Mark 8:14-21
Thursday, August 22, 2024: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Friday, August 23, 2024: Romans 13:11-14
Saturday, August 24, 2024: Luke 11:5-13
Sunday, August 25, 2024: No readings, we worship with others in church
Meet the Author Sept 16th
To conclude our summer book group all are invited to join with us online as we are joined by Neil Glover the author of the book ‘Finding our voice -searching for renewal in the mainline church.’
Monday Sept 16th at 7pm Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID 861 3876 9019 Passcode 705425
See you then. Peter
Received from Revered Marjory MacLean
Oh All Right Then is a celebration of the diversity and privilege of ordained ministry in our tradition. Using the dafter experiences of my own ministry as a quarry (but not an autobiography) I try to show how fascinating, varied and sometimes crazy the life in ministry can be.
The two chief purposes of the book are (1) to be a recruitment tool for our colleagues encouraging members to consider possible vocation to ordination and (2) to be a fund-raiser for the new Orkney Islands Church (Team Ministry) that begins its life on 1 October this year. I think that this might be a good Christmas gift for church members, who are always interested in the experiences of those who serve as ministers. The paperback version costs £12.95, with a slightly cheaper e-book version also available.
More information will emerge in an article that I expect will appear in the October edition of Life and Work. Meanwhile, the Scottish launch event will be held on Sunday 22 September at 7 pm in Newington Trinity (aka Mayfield Salisbury) Church in Edinburgh. Tickets are free, but should be booked at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/marjory-maclean so that we know numbers for refreshments.
Dear friends,
I’m excited to be telling folk that our next Celebrating Calling event is taking place on Wednesday 4th September, from 5.00pm – 7.30pm at New Town Church, Edinburgh. To be clear, these events are not compulsory but usually prove to be very helpful to those who are wanting to explore what a calling to ministry might look like.
So if you are able, why not come and join us on the day.
We strike a relaxed, informal tone and we make lots of space for one-to-one conversations and all-together Q&A time. But beyond that, we look to inspire and enthuse – not least by introducing great guests, all of whom are in ministry of one kind or another and many of whom are themselves, only recently through the process of training for ministry within the CofS. What better than to pick their brains!!
You can show up on the day, if making a last-minute decision, but in terms of organising catering etc., it’s helpful for us to know in advance. To that end, you can register (or seek more info) by emailing: ministry@churchofscotland.org.uk. Following receipt of such emails, we’ll send you all the necessary instructions for joining us on the day.
This event comes into the ‘what have I got to lose?’ category. It really is an open door and all are welcome, regardless of whether you’re pretty sure about your sense of calling or only wanting to make very tentative enquiries. If you conclude that it’s not for you, you’ll go on your way with our blessing. If it leads you to want to step into our more formal discernment process, we’ll welcome you with open arms and offer you our full support.
So, yes, what have you got to lose!
PS If you’re liking the sound of it but find yourself unable to attend, for whatever reason, please let us know so that we can get back to you with info about future events, whether face-to-face and online.
With every blessing,
Martin Fair
Dear colleague
(Please note that this email is being sent to Presbytery Clerks, Session Clerks, Presbytery Mission Officers)
How to apply to Seeds for Growth – free online webinar
On Wednesday the 19th of June and Monday the 2nd of September, we will be holding a free online webinar to work through the Seeds for Growth application process and forms.
The event will take place 1900-2100hrs and we will attempt to work through all four levels of funding application. We hope this will assist you in applying for funding.
If you would like to attend this online ZOOM meeting please email grants@churchofscotland.org.uk – please specify the June or September meeting in the subject line of your email.
Please share this invitation with your networks.
Seeds For Growth supports projects aimed at church growth of existing Church of Scotland congregations and new worshipping communities. Ecumenical working is encouraged.
Project ideas must cover one or more of the following criteria:
- Developing mission through new church communities (including church planting and funding training in Pioneering and Pioneer Ministry)
- Developing and nurturing faith in those under the age of 40 (including engaging in intergenerational approaches to church through new worshipping communities)
- Fostering discipleship and revitalisation within established congregations, with the aim of growing the existing congregation or developing a new worshipping community.
Level 1 Maximum award is £1,000
Level 2 Grants Maximum award is £10,000
Level 3 Maximum award is £40,000 per annum for up to 3 to 5 years
Level 4 Maximum award is £100,000 per annum for up to 3 to 5 years