From the Mission Officer August 12


Dear Friends


In our Summer scriptures > Read / Think / Pray /Act > we have of late been reading different passages about supporting one another. The bible is all about ‘we’. With Olympic endeavour still very much in mind this verse struck me “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude toward each other that Christ Jesus had so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15.5-6) Endurance is a quality that doesn’t come overnight but is a fruit of a commitment to a longer term goal. Encouragement comes from choosing to focus on the good. May we encourage one another and go on doing so through thick and thin because by doing so we bring glory of God.





Farewell & thank you to Rev Lynn Brady

After 18 months at Channelkirk and Lauder Church, Rev. Lynn Brady, Interim Minister left at the end of July, to take up a new role of Transition Minister at Gretna Parish   Church.

During her last week in post, two evening events, comprising music, fellowship and hospitality, were organised to allow the community to say goodbye to her and to wish her well.

The first, mid week, at the Lauderdale Hotel, Lauder and the second at Channelkirk Church at a special Songs of Praise evening.

Not only did she receive farewell gifts but she, herself, also presented Session Clerk, Billy Anderson,  with two beautifully crafted St. Cuthbert’s  Crosses - one for each Church.



Interview with Sarah Cook

Now that she has completed her college course Sarah Cook is about to embark on a 15 month probationary period in Jedburgh with Rosie Frew as her supervisor. Listen as Sarah shares with me some of her journey thus far and her hopes for the next stage in her ministry.


Rev Rola Sleiman from Lebanon visiting

Earlston Church, Peebles Old / Eddleston Stobo & Drumelzier, along with The Presbytery Mission District, were delighted to welcome Rev. Rola Sleiman and her nephew Jack to the Scottish Borders on Tuesday evening. Travel had been delayed by blasts near Beirut airport and a flight reroute. Peebles Old went ahead to hold a 'Service In Fellowship' followed by discussion and a slideshow that allowed an appreciation of Northern Lebanon.

It has been a busy week for Rola as she has been meeting with people and developing friendships across the Borders. On Sunday Earlston Church hosted a service of communion where Rola presided and preached about brotherhood: compassion in action and sacrificial love (Genesis 4:9 ; 2 Cor 4:18). The shattered country of Lebanon values encouragement from their Christian friends in Earlston and beyond, where everyone has truly loved, shared and been like brothers in Christ to one another.


Collecting mobile phones for Malawi –

Innerleithen, Traquair & Walkerburn are collecting any spare of used phones.

Consider donating your old phone or tablet to make a difference to people and the planet.




Presbytery Online Worship Leading Course Level 1 

A five session introduction on Weds evenings. Deadline date Aug 21st

Contact your minister. Course Co-ordinator Robin Hill.



Webinar with Benefact Trust 7–8pm, Wednesday 21 August

Seeds For Growth Seminar Sept 2nd 7-9pm

Book your place for either of these on


Do you know someone in your church who has an entrepreneurial spirit?

Gospel Entrepreneurs (from the Revelation Trust) seeks to mentor, coach and encourage Christian entrepreneurs; people who find themselves on a journey, whether they are already leading businesses, church planting or church ministries.  On the Friday 23 August (12-3.30pm) there is an opportunity to meet them in Edinburgh in the Church of Scotland meeting rooms in 121 George Street to connect with like-minded people, and hear “what we at Gospel Entrepreneurs do”.

There are still a few places (£10 including lunch) which can be booked here


Presbytery Messy Church Gathering Tuesday August 27th at 6pm 

We meet at Rosewell Church Hall. Pizza, Planning + a special visitor. Contact Peter to you’re your team places.

Creative writing course Trinity College book online by August 30th

-Liz Smith


NEW additional St Cuthbert leg from Channel Kirk church to Melrose.

A new way marked walking route. Saturday Aug 31st from 9am. Refreshments at Annay Road Rugby Field in Melrose 2-5pm

-See attached




Starting something new? A morning for those who are pioneering Fri Sept 13th

Rev. Dr Ian Adams is at St Johns KP in Dalkeith Come with a team of folks.


Christian Aid -The Kilt Walk in Edinburgh on Sunday September 15th

Middle distance 14 miles leaves from St.Andrews High Musselburgh.











Week beginning Sunday August 18th  

Hobkirk & Southdean l/w Ruberslaw

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.

Please particularly pray for the two parishes as they work to becoming a Union especially the difficult discussions about the future of three church buildings.



Tuesday, August 13, 2024:            2 Peter 3:14-18

Wednesday, August 14, 2024:       John 6:35-40

Thursday, August 15, 2024:           Acts 6:8-15

Friday, August 16, 2024:               Romans 16:17-20

Saturday, August 17, 2024:           John 4:7-26

Sunday, August 18, 2024:              No readings, we worship with others in church

Monday, August 19, 2024:            Acts 6:1-7



Rev. Peter J. Wood

Mission Officer for Lothian & Borders Presbytery


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