From the Mission Offcier January 20

Donald & Martin


Dear Friends


Today is a national holiday in the USA. It’s Martin Luther King Day. The day that country celebrates the significant contribution he made to the civil rights movement. Dr King insisted that the church exist as the “conscience of the state” speaking prophetically to those in power. Today we also await the noisy arrival of the Donald 2.0. and the swearing in of Donald Trump as the 47th President of that country. For many of us we hold our breath and pray and wonder what Martin would say to Donald?

May we continue to be world Christians with a deep concern for the poor, for the planet and for God’s ways of justice and peace. Paul writes in Corinthians that ‘God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong’

May we continue to grow in humility and at the same time be ready to speak out on behalf of others.


Presbytery Lent Daily Devotions 2025

We are delighted to announce that the Lent devotions are being made ready for distribution. Rev. Robin Hill has co-ordinated and collected 47 short daily devotions for every day of Lent right through to Easter Sunday. These have been crafted by a team of writers from across our presbytery. You may even know some of them!

The reflections will be made available each day via the website and the Facebook page.

If however you want to receive a daily devotion into your email inbox please send a one line request to Caroline. and she’ll work her magic!


Storytelling & scheming…

Come join us at St.Paul’s Galashiels on the evening of Tuesday March 14th (Exact time tbc.) where we will hear a series of short stories of mission from last year. This is the first, the southern meeting, of two gatherings intended to share good news stories of change and to inspire mission in 2025. Several recipients of grants & awards from last year will come together to share their stories of their mission project. In the second half of the evening there will be opportunity to explore together possible mission plans and mission funding into the future… so come too if you have some ideas not fully formulated!


Lent Presbytery Pilgrimage 2025

31st March to 5th April. Start & finish at Melrose

Join the Mission Officer for a day or more walking this historic & beautiful trail in the company of others. Perhaps bring non-church walker friends?!

The total distance is 68 mile walk. The average distance walked each day is around 13 miles.

Find attached a poster but please speak with the Mission Officer for more details.


Growing Young -2025 cohort

This learning community helps churches face and work towards becoming more intergenerational. A new cohort will start later in the year. We have churches that have already expressed an interest in participating. There is still space for more. If you want to find out what its all about join Graham Duffin & myself at two seminars with congregations around Scotland. This is a powerful and encouraging way of engaging change.

To get the most from the webinar, we suggest that at least two or three people from interested churches can join us on the same evening.     

Feb 20th & Feb 26th from 7-8pm online

Meeting ID: 875 0192 3734 & Passcode: 525536


Presbytery Zoominars

January 28th 7-8pm Net zero Pathway

Join us online to hear from the CoS Zero Carbon & Eco-Congregation teams on what measures to take to reduce emissions from our church buildings.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 9825 6287  Passcode: 882815


March 25th 7-8pm Rural Ministries

Jon Timms, Director of RM Scotland will talk about how Rural Ministries could support your church in mission.


Presbytery Easter Video competition

Young People’s groups are invited to make a short video (3-5mins) MP4 which explores the meaning of Easter. It is hoped that such a video could be played at a café church or another similar mission occasion where there are folks who know nothing of Easter. The winning entries will be uploaded to the Presbytery’s Youtube channel.

Those creating and producing the video need to be under the age of 30.

Prize money is to be used for strengthening & promoting the Youth Group.

First Prize £500, Second Prize £300 & Third Prize £200

Entries need to be received by Sunday March 23rd. Please send entries to


Youth gathering dates

-Stage and Slam, July 14-18th at Gorebridge

-Magnitude Festival, July 19-23rd at Lendrick Muir


Go health Annual lecture January 30th 7-9pm online

This year’s Denis Duncan lecture will be given by Prof. John Swinton

‘Restorative Presence: Creating spaces of belonging and paths to healing’



Providing exceptional learning disability support for adults and focusing on inclusive community L’Arche is a worldwide Christian charity. It has a community in Leith, Edinburgh.

They are at present looking for one or two more accompaniers.

Are you someone who is a good listener and encourager? Are you keen to sup-port others to grow and open to your own growth? Are you enthusiastic about L’Arche’s mission and vision?

Please see more information attached.


And finally in the Presbytery Prayer Calendar

Week beginning Sunday January 26th   Tranent

We remember in prayer this week the leadership and all involved in the life of this community.

Pray for growing relationships with young people connected to our church and for God’s blessing on the work of our new Youth & Families worker, Debbie Middlemass.


I pray that you know peace underpinning all your plans as we enter further into this new year.


Love and prayers




Rev. Peter J. Wood

Mission Officer for Lothian & Borders Presbytery





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